Thanks to all the Wonderful WebMasters that have Honored us with their

I have visited your site and was impressed with your work.
Your page,as listed above, is a winner of the SEASONS OF CHANGE Gold
award for January 2000.

The Teacher's Lounge - AWARD Project has presented to you, THE TEACHER OF THE FUTURE
Our group of teachers has decided that your project meets the criteria of the TEACHER OF
THE FUTURE AWARD! Again, congratulations! Your efforts have certainly
demonstrated excellence.
The Teacher's Lounge :-)

You won the Only Pooh Award.....You've done a great job,
enjoyed my visit. Sorry it took so long to get over here, I've been so busy.
Keep up the good work!
Only Pooh

Dear Mr. Lewis,
You have an exciting site and I wish for you to have my award. It is given to
Teachers' Webpages that Engage students in computer-based projects and are demonstrated on
the web by students, Are creative, informative, instructional, and resourceful, and Invite
networking and sharing of projects with other teachers and school children. Thank you for
making the web and exciting place for educators and students alike.
Sister Joyce Gadoua, CSJ

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet of the Albany, New York

The Blue Ribbon Website Award," established November 15, 1997, was created to honor
and acknowlege the learning process, long hours, and sacrifices experienced in reaching
the plateau of successfully establishing an internet website.
Enjoy your award!
Burt Levy

Congratulations! Your site has been officially recognized as an Class Act- a
classroom, school, or district home page of the highest quality! Welcome to our
community of educators!
Beth Lewis
Your Guide to Elementary Education

Hello Richard,
It is our pleasure to send your worthy site the "Education" award and also our
best wishes to you and yours for a "Happy and Prosperous New Year".
Ted Miller
Nu-Horizons Design Studio

I just finished visiting your web
page - nice job!
It is evident you spend a lot of time
on your site.
Because of your obvious pride in your
web page and your respect for
proper net ethics, I would be honored if you would accept our award and
join a select group of webmasters that have also received this honor.
Congratulations on a job well done.
Bruce A Hart
Life Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America