Thanks to all the Wonderful WebMasters that have Honored us with their

You've won our Gold Award for an excellent site.
Congratulations on a great site.

I enjoyed visiting your site and would like to reward your efforts with the Gadzillion
Award For Creative Thought on the Internet.
Take Care and Keep Thinking,
Don Fowler,
A Gadzillion Things To Think About,

I am an editor for StudyWeb. I am so happy you submitted your
site to us. I love the images, pictures, links, projects, and everything about your site.
I'm glancing over the midis to see which ones I want to listen to. Keep up the great job
on your site.

Hello from The School Page,
The team responsible for awarding the School Pages Web Site
Excellence Award wants to let you know that your site has been chosen as a recipient. This
means that your web site has been found to be among the best on the web. Display this
award proudly. It is highly coveted and awarded only rarely to reward excellence in web
education. Congratulations and keep up the good work !
The School Page Award Team

Thanks for applying for my Peach Tree Award. If you hadn't, I may
have never been able to see your web page, which I liked very much. Not only am I awarding
you the Peach Tree Award, but I have put a bookmark in it as well, so I can come back and
do some more exploring. You will also be listed there on my winners page.
Congratulations again on a great page.

Dear Richard
Congratulations! Your site has been awarded the "Markings Silver Award of
Excellence" for creating a very informative and resourceful web site that reflects a
very high standard of creativity and professionalism on the World Wide Web. Your page has
been added to my winner's page and I am happy to recommend your great work to others.
Again it is a pleasure to visit your site.
Namaste Sher

I'd be more than happy to give your site a perfect 4 out of 4 CD award.
Your site meets all of the requirements of a perfect score. I'm very strict with giving
out awards, and deny some pages from even receiving an consider yourself a good
HTML designer!
Thanks for visiting my site!
Dan Fedele

Your site has been awarded the G Page Cool award.
Your pages exhibit coolness in both design and content!.
I really enjoyed my visit.
George Farrell
