Thanks to all the Wonderful WebMasters that have Honored us with their
Congratulations you have won the Site Award for Excellence and the Kid's
Site Approved award. I would like to also give you the Site with Heart Award. This is one
that I only give out. Please enjoy them.
Have a great day
The Award Lady
Hello Richard,
Thanks so much for inviting me to visit your website. I love the class projects, and they
seem like so much fun I wish that I could be in your classroom. :)
I am proud to offer you the Golden Windmill Great Site Award.
Have a wonderful day!
Ned & Helen's Place
Hello Richard,
Congratulations on your wonderful site.You
Teachers are always looking for great resources for the
classroom, especially specialized science resources like the ones offered on your site. I
am pleased to award your site the Busy Educator's Award. Your site will also be included
in an upcoming issue of my Busy Educator's Newsletter and considered for inclusion in the
next edition of my book "The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web" and in
my Highlights from The Busy Educator's Newsletter spot on my web site.
all the best,
Mr. Marjan Glavac
LONDON, Ontario Canada
( Roll "Traveling Wilburys" - Congratulations )
The site looks GREAT....I remember doing the "Egg Drop" thing
in my 12th Grade Physics class...("Set The Way-Back Machine for 1981, Mr.