Thanks to all the Wonderful WebMasters that have Honored us with their



Hi, Mr. Lewis and Gang,
Sorry to be so long in sending this award to such a deserving site
(congrats to the webmaster). It's just been one of those years. Hmmmm,
maybe if I let the biology class work on me awhile...
"Ignore the man behind the curtain"


Crescendo Cool Site of The Day
July 6-7, 1999


Congratulation , Mr. Lewis and all of your class !! You have received
the Golden Ptramid award !! Please display it with pride because you have earned it with
all your hard work and talents !!! Thank you for making the web a better place by your
unquie talents !
Bonita Orr aka Wuzzle bee

Hello and Congratulations!
Your site was reviewed for originality,
usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an
outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth
of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our Internet
community. Job well done!
Quatec Solutions

Hi Richard,
Kudos to everyone involved in your entertaining and
informative website. It is beautifully crafted and fun to browse
around. Well done! (Great music too.)
Congratulations! Your site has just won the Cool Frog
Award for excellence in design and content. Really enjoyed the visit!
The crew at Frog Creations


"Eddie's Award of Excellence"