Thanks to all the Wonderful WebMasters that have Honored us with their

Hi! What a great site! I really like classroom sites.
We have not
awarded any sites for several months as really great ones have become few
and far between lately! Congratulations!! I have included your site as a
link on both our Homework Helpers and HomeSchool Links pages!! Please stop
by and pick up your Wyoming Roundup's Championship Site for November!
Thanks for your contributions to education for our kids!
Carol (Ronnie's real mom)

I recently viewed your site for 'Loadstar's
Web Design Awards'. You've obviously put a great deal of work into it and this is
beginning to pay off in the results you are achieving. This award is very difficult to get
and after careful consideration I've decided to offer you my Merit Award.
As an award winner I extend a special
invitation for you to join the NetZone Webring. This consists of some of the best sites on
the Web and I would be honoured to have you as a member
Once more, I offer my congratulations. Sites
like yours make the Web a fascinating and informative playground.

Mr. Lewis,
I have created a Special Edition Excellence Award for previous winners. You can not
apply for this award and it will not be available anywhere. It is only sent personally by
Nancy Imelda Schafer

I'd love to include your site in my science
section! It is well put together and very informative. I teach one period of
eighth grade science (the other classes are Social Studies) in the Los Angeles suburban
area, and we just finished a six-week unit on Roller Coaster Physics. Science is not
my forte, but I really enjoy teaching it and learning along with the students. As
soon as I upload the Science portion of my site, your link will be included.
Leigh Brockway
Education Connection

Hi Richard,
I visited your site and think you (and your students) should be very proud. You've done an
excellent job.

Hi Richard & students,
Excellence Award.
Your site has been judged by us as an outstanding Web presence. The basic criteria of
'Appeal,Content and Concept' has been met and surpassed. You have an extremely clear,
clean design and it is very easy to follow. Very appealing design and your hard work
shows. You have been included in our "Hall of Fame-Winners List".
Thank you,
John Williams
