I started this web site in 1995
to show off my students and their work in Physics and
Biology class. The students have contributed greatly
to this site, as well as instructors from as far away
as Australia. We receive E-mail from all over asking
about Roller Coasters, Egg Drops, Catapults and more.
We have
tried to post a sample of Class Projects from each
years Physics Classes. In addition you will find a
wide assortment of Common Molecules on display in the
Classroom section, as well as a large collection of
3D Java Enhanced Molecules on the Biology Page.
We have Pictures of Our Classes,
Winners from competitions, a Jukebox with almost 100
Midi Files online, the first of a Lecture
Series, Science Award Winners listed, and more
online here.
Be sure and check out the awards
we have been honored with from other Webmasters in
the Internet Awards section. But above all, look
around and enjoy yourself. E-mail if you have a
question. Check back often, This web site changes
almost daily in some way. We are constantly updating
the files.
We would love to collect ideas
from other Science Teachers in the K-12 grade levels,
and gather information from around the world about
Biology and Physics. So if you have any ideas for
projects, Lesson Plans, Instructions, Ideas, or
whatever, let me know.. I could use the help. All
donations of ideas and assistance will be posted here
on this Web Site with credit given..

[ WCHS Classroom ] [ Physics ] [ Class Projects ] [ Biology ] [ Chemistry ] [ Physical Science ] [ Lecture Series ] [ Student Awards ] [ Favorite Sites ] [ Midi Music ] [ Internet Awards ] [ Webmaster ]
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