Physics Project
Toothpick Bridge Journal
Kristen Zhang

 | Day One:
Prepare materials for the
bridge. Items include few boxes of round wood
toothpicks, white glue, ruler, pencil, and papers
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
 | Day Two:
Began with the bottom outline of
the bridge.
First cut off the two ends of
each toothpicks for easy gluing surface later
(about 3cm each).
Form a stick about 35cm by
gluing the prepared toothpicks from end to end.
Then prepare three of the same
length sticks and glue them along the first
toothpick stick (avoid lining up the gaps between
each toothpicks to prevent forming a weak spot on
the bridge).
<See below diagram for

<Ending View of the Bridge so
Repeat the previous processes
and make one more of the same length (about
35cm), two more of a shorter length (around 28cm)
as the top outlines, and four of the shortest
length (1 inch) for the legs of the bridge.
Leave the glue to dry after
finishing with the toothpicks.
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
 | Day Three:
Now that the glue is totally
dried, I cut out four single toothpicks about the
length of 4cm each to use for connecting the
previously prepared outlines (using the required
type of glue).
Now, I have two rectangles (one
of them is 4cm x 28cm, the top outline of the
bridge, and the other is 4cm x 35cm, the bottom
outline of my bridge)
<See diagram below for what I
have so far>

Paste the each leg of the bridge
at the four different corners of the longer
The bottom outline of the
Make sure the legs are equal
lengths, to avoid the bridge to be unbalanced.
Done for today, leave items to
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
 | Day Four:
Connect the top outline with the
bottom outline of the bridge by preparing the
sidebars for the bridge.
Cut out some doubled and single
toothpicks with slanted ends

See diagram of example:
(Note: The doubled toothpicks
are formed by gluing two single toothpicks
Using the various types of the
above toothpicks, connect the top and the bottom
outlines of the bridge. (Glue the toothpicks with
a wave-like style, with one pointing upward left
and upward right for the next one
For the best result, these
toothpicks, that are connection the top and the
bottom of the bridge, should form triangular
shape designs as the sides of the bridge.
Repeat the same process for both
sides of the bridge.
Under the centermost triangle of
each side, I placed a single toothpick
(perpendicular angle bisector) for an extra
support on the bridge.

Then I placed a doubled
toothpick under the two triangles that are beside the
centermost triangle of each side (total four), for a
better support on the bridge.

Done for today, leave items to
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
 | Day Five:
Add extra support for the legs
of the bridge. Used two single toothpicks to
create more support and strength for the legs.

<See Diagram for Example>
Add on a center top supporting
bar. (Locate it in the middle of the top
outline of the bridge)
Leave the items to dry.
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
 | Day Six:
Create the final step for my
bridge: build the roadbed. Prepare 21 of 4cm
toothpicks with their ends cut off.
In order to accurately and
evenly place the toothpicks to form a roadbed,
use the gaps of the outlines as a guide.
Leave items to dry and the
bridge is finally finished!
Record all the steps of
todays procedure.
Prepare Blue Print and Print out
~ See the Blue Print of the Bridge for a
detailed look! ~

Kristen Zhang