1999 - 2000
1st Term

1st Term Winner
Aaron Davis & Leanne Talley
Built by
Aaron Davis and Leanne Talley
1st Place
Weighed 0.09Kg,
Egg Thrown 54.0 feet,
Ratio of 182.88 Meters per Kg
Built from Aluminum Arrow Shafts

Jason Garton & Matt Rogers
2nd Place
Weight .22 Kg.
Egg Thrown 108.0 Feet
Ratio 149.63 Meters pr Kg
Built from Dowel Sticks

Josh Bush
3rd Place
Weight .52 Kg.
Egg Thrown 171.0 Feet
Ratio 100.23 Meters per Kg.
Made from Graphite Golf Club Shafts

99-2000 Class
Mean Range
70.4 Feet

1999 - 2000
2nd Term
First Place
Jason Myatt & Harry Woods
Weight...0.28 Kg
Distance...66 ft
Ratio...71.9 m/Kg

Second Place
Casey Chansler
Weight...0.24 Kg
Distance...39 ft
Ratio...49.5 m/Kg

Third Place
Ryan Head
Weight...0.28 Kg
Distance...45 ft
Ratio...48.9 m/Kg

The mean distance
for the class was 73 feet...

Fun and Excitment
At the World Famous
Catapult Trials

This first pic is an
attempt for the distance record using an oversize
built by Andy Garrett and Josh
Weight...1.93 Kg
Distance...120 ft
Ratio...27.9 m/Kg

From the Largest to the

KaShawna Patton
Weight...0.28 Kg
Distance...18 ft
Ratio...23.4 m/Kg
